The difference between patios and decks is that patios usually have concrete or paved solid floors and decks are more usually raised wooden platforms. The basis of a choice between the two may be a question of taste or of…
Adriana S
Stories by Adriana S
Coronavirus is spreading worldwide. In our current globalized world, curiously, we are back home in order to reduce the speed of contagion and getting away from the risks of the outside. Therefore, we need to keep our homes protected from…
This quarantine is a serious thing, as Coronavirus can be mortal, very painful and leave long-lasting consequences in the respiratory system. Staying home is the best way to avoid it, and continuous cleaning and disinfection reduce the possibilities of spreading…
Every year, numerous people tackle a home remodeling project. Unfortunately, these same people don’t know what part of their house to remodel. If you’ve ever spoken to a real-estate agent or anyone involved in buying/selling homes, you probably know that…
People always dream of owning their own home someday. While dreaming about their future homes, they also start to design their homes and look for materials that would be best given their lifestyle, their budget and their preferences. Building a…